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Company-Level In-Platform Reports
Updated over 3 months ago

Company reports provide a high-level performance overview for all clients and budgets in your Shape account. These reports are useful for sharing PPC performance internally across organizations with Shape users and non-Shape users.

What are Company-Level Reports?

Company reports provide a high-level performance overview for all active clients and budgets in your Shape account. Company reports can help teams and executives view current performance metrics and identify trends over time. Similarly, company-level reports help identify certain clients or budgets that an analyst may want to review more deeply.

These reports default to displaying all of a Shape customer's clients but may be filterable by segments, including Client Name, Budget Name, Ad Network, or Ad Channel depending on the report.

What Reports are Included at the Company Level?

Currently, there are three PPC reports available at the company level. This document will be expanded if/when more company-level reports are added. The available company-level reports include:

Live Company Dashboard:

This report looks at current PPC performance metrics for all Clients and Budgets in Shape. The report utilizes the current budget cycle. Both graphs and tables are included to highlight trends that PPC advertisers may want to course-correct (or replicate) as needed.

The report includes two pages: Overview & Budgets.

Company Performance Report:

This report displays PPC performance metrics for all Clients in Shape. However, the Company Performance Report allows viewers to select the date range they want to view. This allows users to view dates/Budget cycles in the past to understand the historical performance better or identify performance anomalies. Metrics can also be segmented by Ad Network (ex: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn) or Ad Channel (Search, Social, Video) to provide deeper insights.

The report includes one page: Overview.

Historical Budget Report (fka Historical RollOver Report):

This report is designed for Shape customers who want to view historical data for any of their Budgets across Budget cycles. The Historical Budget Report report displays several columns including:

  • Rollover*

  • Budget Amount

  • Target Budget

  • Cost

  • Next Month's RollOver*

  • % Off Target

*These numbers are 0 if a Shape user does not have RollOver enabled.

This report makes it possible to view how closely budget targets were hit/missed for Budget cycle in the past, and is filterable by Client name and/or Budget name.

The report includes three pages: Overview, Budget Network Breakdowns, and Client Network Breakdowns.

How do I Create a Company-Level Report?

Please see the section "Launching Company-Level Reports" for directions on creating company-level reports.

Who Should I Share this Report with?

This report displays data for all of the clients your company is tracking in Shape. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you only share this report with team members within your organization. We do not recommend sharing this with clients could result in them gaining access to your full client list.

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