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Product Release Notes - January 2020
Updated over 4 months ago

Find all new Shape feature releases in the Product Release Notes for January 2020.

Change Budget End Dates (on One-Time Budgets)

Release Date: January 21, 2020

Need a few extra days in your budget cycle to hit your target spend and KPIs? Now, Shape allows you to extend end dates on one-time budgets. To change an end date, navigate to an “Edit Budget Details” page, select a new end date, and save. End dates for recurring, monthly budgets are not editable at this time.

Decision Grid Update

Release Date: January 7, 2020

We've revamped the decision grids to add extra capabilities including updates to filtering and the date range picker. A full list of changes are noted below:

  • Filters - Each column is now filterable. We've added "AND/OR" functionality as well so you can now filter by multiple conditions. (Ex: Sort/show Google AND Facebook campaigns in a budget).

  • Date Picker - We've updated the date picker to make selecting date ranges more fluid and added several pre-set date ranges for ease (ex: last month, all time, this week, etc.)

  • Pinned columns - Select columns you'd like pinned to the left-side of a decision grid using the lock icon

  • Hide/Show Columns - Add or remove columns from the decision grid by clicking the eye icon and then selecting the columns you'd like hidden/displayed

  • Expand to Full Screen - Use the expand icon (square with corner borders) to hide graphs/charts and expand the decision grid to the full screen.

  • Export - We added an "Export to Excel" option. You still have the option to export to csv.

Have a feature you'd like to see added to Shape? We'd love to hear it! Email our support team at [email protected]

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