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Product Release Notes - June 2020
Updated over 4 months ago

Find all new Shape feature releases in the Product Release Notes for June 2020

Advertising Data Warehouse (ADI) Launch

Release Date: June 23, 2020

Our team is proud to announce that we've launched our Shape Advertising Data Infrastructure.

Shape’s Advertising Data Infrastructure (ADI) helps you uncover profit-driving insights and build advanced tools to help you scale your business.

Shape's ADI collects your PPC data via our two-way, cross-channel PPC API and stores it in a powerful, fully-managed data warehouse. Your current and historical PPC data is accessible via Google BigQuery. You can connect your data with advanced business intelligence tools, build reporting systems, or create your own optimization solutions.

By simply clicking “Enabling Warehouse,” you’ll receive free access to all your campaign-level data via 5 free data views. To learn more about the ADI, we’ve expanded our Help Center to include new sections on the ADI and Data Studio templates.

We'll post more information about the ADI, PPC data warehousing, and more on our blog in the upcoming months!

Platform Navigation Changes

Release Date: June 23, 2020

As part of the launch of our ADI, we've simplified our navigation on the Shape platform. You'll now find directed links to the Dashboard and ADI on the left-hand navigation at all times.

We've removed the link to the App Portal/Gallery and Change History from the left-hand navigation. However, both will always be available in the top navigation!

  • Click the Shape logo to access Apps such as Budget Booster, Budget Pacer, and Untracked Campaigns.

  • Click the Clock icon to access Change History.

  • Click the dotted square in a circle to quickly navigate back to your Client, Budget, or Campaign dashboard when using a Shape App or the Change History.

New Dashboard Column - Remaining Amount

Release Date: June 23, 2020

A "Remaining Amount" column is now available at the Budget level. The Remaining Amount is calculated as: Budget Amount +/- RollOver Amount - Spend.

You can add this column by clicking the eye icon in the decision grid and unchecking the box next to "Remaining Amount."

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