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Product Release Notes - June 2021
Updated over 4 months ago

Find all new Shape feature releases in the Product Release Notes for June 2021

AutoPilot on One-Time Budgets Update

Release Date: June 23, 2021

As of June 2021, if a one-time budget is on AutoPilot, Shape will automatically pause all campaigns on the Budget end date (regardless of whether they reach their target Budget Amount).

Previously, AutoPilot would only pause campaigns in a one-time budget if they spent their entire target budget during the Budget time frame. If the campaigns did not reach their target budget, they would remain active.

Shape users are not able to opt-out of this update. Visit our One-Time Budgets help article for more information.

ADI Update: Attribution Conversion Breakdowns for Campaigns Targeting Locations

Release Date: June 24, 2021

ADI users now have additional conversion breakdown data sets for the "campaigns_targeting_location" view

The Shape ADI provides attribution conversion data such as Conversion Breakdown Name (ex: shopping cart add, purchase), Conversion Breakdown Value (the count of how many of these actions occurred), and Conversion Breakdown Revenue (the monetary amount associated with each action) for some campaign-level views. This did not include the "campaigns_targeting_location" view.

Attribution conversion breakdowns are not available for the "campaigns_targeting_location" view.

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