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Pricing Frequently Asked Questions
Pricing Frequently Asked Questions
Updated over 4 months ago

Below are some of the most common questions about Shape's pricing structure. For more information on our pricing tiers, please contact [email protected].

PPC Budget Management Platform

What do I get access to as a premium Budgeting Platform customer?

  • Full access to Shape’s suite of budgeting and automation tools

  • Unlimited Clients, Budgets, Data Sources, Ad Accounts

  • Unlimited Users

  • Shape’s Apps

  • Access to Shape’s Advertising Data Infrastructure (ADI) and multiple free data views

Does Shape offer a free Budgeting Platform tier?

Shape allows anyone to create one free account. Our free tier allows you to manage cross-channel PPC spend for one client and up to 20 budgets and includes access to all of Shape’s intelligent reporting and automation features. There are no limits on ad accounts or users. Upgrade at any time to manage additional clients and budgets.

Does pricing for the Pro or Enterprise Budgeting Platform plan adjust automatically as my spend changes?

Yes. Shape analyzes the total spend you manage on Shape’s Budgeting Platform each month. If spend increases or decreases causing you to fall into a different tier, your pricing will automatically adjust.

How is Monthly Spend Calculated?

To determine an appropriate pricing tier, we calculate the cumulative spend of all unique campaigns tracked in Budgets on the Shape platform. Since not all budgets are monthly budgets, we utilize the following formula to calculate your monthly spend total: (Budget Amount/Days in the Billing Cycle) * (Days in the Month) = Monthly Spend. Campaigns in accounts linked to Shape that are not tracked in Budgets do not factor into monthly spend.

I do not live in the United States. How are prices converted into my currency?

Shape calculates your cumulative monthly spend in US dollars for the most recent month to determine the appropriate pricing tier. We then calculate the appropriate tier fee in your currency using the most recent exchange rate at the end of the calendar month.

Advertising Data Infrastructure (ADI)

What do I get access to as an Enterprise Advertising Data Infrastructure (ADI) customer?

  • Immediate access to a managed data warehouse

  • Two-way PPC API access

  • Choice of 40+ Data Views in BigQuery

  • Standard Integrations with Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, and many BI Tools

  • NOT INCLUDED: Pro/Enterprise access to Shape’s PPC Budgeting Platform

Does Shape offer free campaign-level data warehousing and API access?

Shape offers a free data warehouse for anyone who links at least one data source to the platform. API access is available upon request but may be subject to request limits under the free plan. Upgrade at any time to access our full set of ADI data views and two-way API functionality.

Does pricing for the Enterprise Advertising Data Infrastructure (ADI) automatically adjust as my spend changes?

Enterprise ADI pricing automatically scales with your organization based on the number of data views needed and the total monthly campaign spend in your data warehouse. If changes in total monthly spend necessitate a pricing tier adjustment, we will notify you before changes are made. Please contact us for more information on Enterprise ADI pricing.

How the Enterprise ADI pricing is Calculated

ADI pricing is determined based on the number of data views your organization requires and the total monthly ad spend associated with those data sources. Since not all budgets are monthly budgets, we utilize the following formula to calculate your monthly spend total: (Budget Amount/Days in the Billing Cycle) * (Days in the Month) = Monthly Spend.

I do not live in the United States. How are prices converted into my currency?

Shape calculates your cumulative monthly spend in US dollars for the most recent month to determine the appropriate pricing tier. We then calculate the appropriate tier fee in your currency using the most recent exchange rate at the end of the calendar month.

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