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NinjaCat Release: Week of 6/24/2024
Updated over 3 months ago

What's New for the week of June 24th, 2024?

AI Insights Generator Update

"In today's release, we adjusted the range in which you can set for the Temperature setting for the AI Insights Generator. Initially, you were able to set this to a value between 0 and 2. We have adjusted this so that the cap is now 1. For any widget that was set to greater than 1 previously, the widget will now automatically be set to 1 (may not be reflected in the settings, but on the backend, it would be). Please review the output of the widget as the change from 'greater than 1' to '1' can give differing results in the generated text.
The Temperature controls the “creativity” of the text generated by the AI. A higher temp results in a more diverse and creative output, while a lower temp makes the output more deterministic and focused. After observing some results that our customers were seeing at a temperature setting of 2 (either landing in errors OR resulting in nonsensical text provided by the LLM), we made the decision to cap this setting at 1 so that we avoid these kinds of results."

Updates to cleaning/view editing for Large Datasets

Now, when working against large datasets (> 5m rows), the Editor will only load the "Most Recent" 30 days of data, capped to a maximum of 5m rows. For undated data (no Metric Date column), the first 5m rows will be used (non-deterministic)
This most recent update means that if you have a "stale connection" and only old data (for example historical Google UA data), you will still have data to preview, rather than getting a "No Data" message.
We are required to cap the number of rows in the working set to make sure that slow processing of large sets does not break the user experience.

Right-Click copy/paste and filtering from Dataset Cleaning and View editor

You can now Right-Click on a cell in the data preview window and copy the value from the cell. You can also choose to add a filter from the context menu.

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