When creating or utilizing a report, you may receive these common Data Studio/Looker Studio errors. For explanations of common errors and how to address them, please review the information below:
Configuration Incomplete/Invalid Dimension
Error Text: “Error Text: Configuration Incomplete: Invalid Dimension, Metric, or Filter Selected.”
Probable Reason: Typically, you will receive this error if there is no data source associated with your chart/graph/table/data point or if one of your metrics/dimensions is invalid.
Click on the chart/graph/table/data point displaying the “configuration incomplete error”
On the edit menu (right-hand side), check to ensure that there is a Data Source listed on the “Data” tab.
If not, add one by clicking the field and selecting the appropriate Data Source
If this doesn’t resolve this issue, check to see if there is a red “invalid” metric or dimension on the “Data” tab.
If yes, click the red metric or dimension and select a new metric/dimension.
Server Encountered Internal Error
Error Text: “Authentication Error: The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.”
Probable Reason: You may have lost view/edit permissions for the report you are currently working on, or another owner/editor has restricted sharing/downloading permissions.
If you are not the owner of the report, check with the owner to determine if permissions can be re-granted.