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Managing Advertising Data Infrastructure (ADI) Access
Updated over 4 months ago

Access Controls

The Access Control page allows you to grant access to your Shape Data Warehouse to existing Shape users or external contacts. From this page, you'll be able to activate and deactivate access and invite external contacts.

Grant Access to an Existing Shape Team Member

To grant access to an existing Shape team member, navigate the Access Control page. Then follow the steps below:

1. Click the "Team Members" section to open the tab.

2. Click the checkbox next to the name of the team member you'd like to grant access to.

3. Click the Unlock (Grant Access) icon. Done!

To remove access, simply follow steps 1 and 2 above, then click the lock (Remove Access) icon.

Grant Access to an External Contact

To grant access to an external contact, navigate to the Access Control page. Then follow the steps below:

1. Click the "External Contacts" section to open the tab.

2. Click the + (Add External Contact) icon. You could also click "External Contact +" at the top of the screen.

3. Enter the email of your External Contact and click "Grant Access." Click the Lock icon to remove access.

IMPORTANT: External Contacts do not receive an email notification to access your Data Warehouse in BigQuery. Please send external contacts the following link:


1. I can't add a new "Team Member" from the Access Control tab.

All new Team Members must be added to Shape from the "Team Management" settings page. This can be accessed from the main Shape dashboard under the "Admin" tab. Follow these directions to add a Team member, then navigate to "Access Controls" to grant the newly added Team Member access.

If you do not see "Admin" as an available tab on the Shape dashboard, you may not have the right permissions to add users to Shape. Contact your Shape "Admin" to proceed.

2. I click "Grant Access" for a Team Member, but it won't save.

This error commonly occurs when a company uses Google GSuite for its emails and has rebranded (or added alias emails) at one point in its history. BigQuery will default to using the original GSuite email even if that's not the current email.

For example, Shape was originally named SteadyBudget. Previously, our email was [email protected]. When we add new team members to our Data Warehouse, BigQuery automatically defaults to using [email protected] even though our emails are now [email protected] and the emails are what we use to log in to shape.

If you go to the ADI "Access Control" control page and cannot grant your current email access to your Shape Data Warehouse/BigQuery, this is likely the cause.

If this is the case, add your email (with the original G Suite domain) as an "External Contact." You should now be able to access your Shape DataWarehouse in BigQuery and add BigQuery as a connector with your primary email.

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