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Activating Your Shape Data Warehouse
Updated over 4 months ago

Learn how to activate your Shape Data Warehouse, including free and paid data views.

Activating Your Shape Data Warehouse

1. If you have not already, add one or more advertising data sources to Shape on the Data Sources page.

2. Navigate to the Shape ADI page. You can do so by clicking the link in the left-hand navigation menu.

3. If your warehouse has not been enabled, you'll see a button saying "Enable Warehouse."

4. After clicking "Enable Warehouse", you'll be directed to the Data Warehouse page, which includes two tabs for Views and Tables. Tables are sets of data, including metrics and dimensions, that power different Views. Learn more about the difference between Tables and Views here.

5. Several campaign-level Views are available for free for anyone using Shape and will be automatically enabled for you. You can create campaign-level reports and tools for data across Google (incl. Youtube), Microsoft Ads, Facebook (incl. Instagram), LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter for free.

6. If you wish to enable additional premium views, click the checkbox next to the table name, and a pencil icon will appear at the top of the table. Click the pencil.

7. On the "Edit View Status" screen, select "Enabled" and then "Save Settings."

IMPORTANT: Enabling data views below the campaign level will require a fee. Learn more about Free vs. Paid Views here.

Change Data Refresh Frequency and Date Range

Most tables will allow you to update the frequency with which you want data in that table updated.

You'll also be able to set the number of days you would like the data backfilled.

1. To edit the settings, navigate to the Table tab.

2. Click the checkbox next to a Table and click the Edit (pencil) icon.

3. Click the "Updaters" tab. One default job will be set to run.

4. Edit the Frequency (in hours) with which you want the data to be refreshed.

5. Edit the Date Range (in days) for which you want data to be backfilled.

6. To add additional "Updaters" to refresh data, click "Add Updater +" and set new requirements.

Example: You need to update your customers weekly with their campaign results but also pull a quarterly report at the end of 3 months. To do so create two updaters for the campaign table:

  • 1st Updater: Set a Frequency of 24 hours and a Collection Range of 7 days

  • 2nd Updater: Set a Frequency of 24 hours and a Collection Range of 90 days

Manually Refresh Data

You may need to manually refresh data in a table or view to update it ahead of your scheduled job. To do so:

1. Select a checkbox next to a table or view. Click the edit (pencil) icon.

2. Click the "Force Update" circular arrow button. That table or view will be placed at the top of the queue for a manual data refresh.

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