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Custom Values Troubleshooting
Updated over 2 months ago

Having trouble creating dynamic Custom Values? Find common troubleshooting techniques in this help article. We'll continue expanding this list as new questions/concerns arise.

Syntax Error: Check Spacing

If you're receiving a syntax error when using metrics or custom values in your equations, check to ensure that the elements of your formula or case statement are properly spaced. WHEN, THEN, and ELSE elements must have spaces between them and other elements.

In the example below, a space between WHEN and the metric Budget Amount is missing. Adding a space between WHEN and Budget Amount in the clauses below will solve the syntax error.



Syntax Error: Percent Format

When using percentages, they must be written out in decimal form instead of X%. For example, instead of adding 15% to your formula, use 0.15 instead.

NOTE: It is important to include the 0 (or another number if using a percentage greater than 100%) before the decimal point, or else the formula will fail.



Decision Grid Display Error: Data Doesn't Display Even Though Formula is Correct

Sometimes, you may create a dynamic custom value successfully, but no data displays in the Decision Grid.

In this case, check to ensure that the data format in the Custom Value form matches the type of data output by your formula.

For example: If you create a Custom Value that outputs a text result, but you set the data format as a number, the Decision Grid will not display any data for your Custom Value



Case Statements: Sequential Evaluation Errors

When using dynamic custom values and case statements, it's important that you set up your formula so it executes sequentially.

For example, let's say you want to calculate management fees for various levels of spend. At various levels of spend, a customer is charged a certain % or amount of management fee.

To set up the formula correctly, you'll either want to set upper and lower bounds within your formula or make sure data is evaluated sequentially (if you're using operators such as <,><=,>=.


This case statement above will not evaluate correctly. The statement "WHEN Budget Amount =1000 THEN 0.075" should be first sequentially because you are using the = sign. Budgets Amounts greater than 1000 should be evaluated first, followed by =500, =100, and then all others.

Correct (Listed in Sequential Order):


Correct (Upper and Lower Bounds):

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