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Untracked Campaigns
Updated over 4 months ago

What is the "Untracked Campaigns" app?

The Untracked Campaigns app alerts teams that a Budget is not tracking active campaigns in their advertising accounts in Shape.

To appear in the untracked campaign app, a campaign:

  • Must have accumulated spend within the last 7 days

  • It is not currently tracked in an active budget

The app allows you to add those campaigns to an existing budget or create a new one. The app can even alert you if it believes that the campaign belongs within a certain Budget.

Campaigns will appear in the app if they are new to the account or if they were previously tracked in a budget that has been set to inactive or deleted (so long as they meet the two conditions above).

This app was designed to alert our customers when they may have missed adding a campaign with spend to a Budget and prevent overspend.

Where do I find the Untracked Campaigns app?

The Untracked Campaigns App can be accessed via the App Portal that appears on the top navigation toolbar on the Budgeting platform. It will remain available whether you are on the main dashboard, or Client, Budget, or Campaign views.


What information does the Untracked App include?

Every day, Shape will scan all of your company's accounts for any untracked campaigns. The campaigns will populate in the app for you to review.

You'll be provided with the following information:

  • Source: The ad platform where the campaign is running

  • Account: The name of the account where the campaign is

  • Campaign: The name of the campaign that is not tracked in a Shape budget

  • Suggested Budget: A suggested Budget will appear if the platform identifies that there is an existing budget with campaigns from the same account as the untracked campaign.

  • 7-Day Metrics: The last 7 days worth of clicks, cost, and impressions for the untracked campaign.

How Do I Use the Untracked Campaigns App?

You have several choices on how/if you want to add the untracked campaign to Shape.

Campaign Card View

If you use campaign cards, this is how the untracked campaigns will appear. You can scroll through them using the arrows.

  • Add to Budget: This button will only appear if there are "Suggested Budgets".

    • To add a campaign to the Suggested Budget(s) Shape recommends, make sure the Budget(s) you wish to add it to is selected. Click "Add to Budget."

  • Ignore: You can choose to ignore a campaign if you wish not to track it in Shape indefinitely. Ignored campaigns will appear on the "Ignored" list found on the right-hand navigation.

  • Add to Existing Budget: If you wish to add the campaign to an existing Budget that is not listed in "Suggested Budgets" (or a suggestion is not made), select "Add to Existing Budget."

    • This will take you to a screen that asks you to select the Budget you wish to add it to.

    • After selecting a Budget, you'll be taken to the "Add & Remove Campaigns" screen, where you can submit your change.

  • Add to New Budget: If you wish to add the campaign to a new Budget that has not been created, click "Add to New Budget."

    • This will take you to a screen that walks you through the new Budget creation process.

    • Take a walkthrough or watch a video explaining how to create a new Budget.

  • Ignore All From This Account: Often, there may be several new untracked campaigns from a single account listed in the app. You can select "Ignore All From This Account" if you don't wish to add any campaigns from that ad account to a budget.

    • Common reasons why you might use this feature are if you are purposely not adding a client/account to Shape, or if a client has left, but you still have access to their active account.

    • You will not be alerted of any new untracked campaigns from this account moving forward.

Campaign View

You can also select the Campaign View grid. This will display a list of all the untracked campaigns for all clients or a single client (dependent on how you navigate to the app).

You can filter results by names, status, or metrics and use it to click into an individual client or untracked campaigns.


If you have chosen to ignore adding an untracked account or campaign to a budget, you will find those in the "Ignored" section of the app.

There are two tabs, one each for "Ignored Accounts" or "Ignored Campaigns." You may wish to add a campaign or campaigns to a Budget that you previously ignored. To do so, click the box next to the account or campaign name, and select "Remove."

This will cause the campaign or all campaigns from an account to reappear in the "Untracked Campaigns" section of the app.

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