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Shared Budgets
Updated over 4 months ago

Google and Microsoft allow advertisers to set a daily budget limit for multiple campaigns using a feature called Shared Budgets.

Shape has always allowed advertisers to set a shared budget cap across campaigns running on multiple ad platforms. However, Shape now also supports Shared Budgets in our platform as well.

Shared Budget Reporting and Editing

When campaigns in a Shared Budget are added to Shape, the campaigns will be denoted as Shared in the Decision Grid. To see Shared Budgets, navigate to a Budget View, then scroll down to the Decision Grid. Make sure that the "Daily Budget" column is enabled.

If a campaign is in a Shared Budget, you'll see this noted in grey above the daily budget. You can edit the daily budget for all campaigns in a Shared Budget by hovering over the daily budget, clicking the pencil icon, and editing it inline.

You can also click the checkbox to the left of the Campaign Name and Status, click the pencil icon, and edit it on the "Edit Campaign Details screen." Using this screen, you can hover on the information icon above the Campaign Daily Budget to see what other campaigns belong in the Shared Budget you are editing.

If you edit a shared budget, all campaigns' daily budgets will update in Shape immediately.

Shared Budget - Budgeting & Automation Tools

Shared Budgets are supported throughout Shape's Budgeting and automation tools, including CruiseControl, Budget Pacer, and Budget Booster.

All three of these tools' algorithms consider the total daily budget and metrics such as impression share lost due to budgets to analyze and calculate budget opportunity and budget pacing recommendations. In the case of CruiseControl, Shape utilizes these recommendations to adjust daily budgets as well.

Therefore, it's important to note that Shape also supports Shared Budgets in these tools. Why? Shared Budgets combine campaigns into one single entity with a single total daily budget and impression share. If Shape analyzed these campaigns as if they each had their own daily budget and impression share, our system would overestimate the potential spend opportunity and/or pacing the campaigns could achieve.

By accounting for Shared Budgets, the Shape platform recognizes all campaigns in a Shared Budget have a single combined daily budget and budget opportunity and can adjust our algorithms accordingly.

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