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Bulk Deactivate/Delete Budgets
Updated over 4 months ago

As you grow your number of clients in Shape, you may find old or expired Budgets clutter your dashboard over time. Shape allows you to bulk deactivate or delete Budgets from Shape that you no longer wish to see.

Bulk Deactivate/Delete Budgets

  1. From the dashboard, click the Decision Grid view link at the top of your screen (OR click one of your clients)

  2. Navigate to the “Budgets” tab on the Decision Grid

  3. Select the individual Budgets you want to delete or use the select all button

  4. Click the edit icon (pencil) in the decision grid navigation.

  5. This will cause the "Edit Budget Details" form to display.

  6. Navigate to the "Status" tab.

  7. Click "Deactivate" or "Delete" depending on your needs.

A deactivated budget will still be viewable under the "Inactive Budgets" drop-down menu at the bottom right-hand side of each client card on the "Client Cards" view. You'll be able to view historical performance data.

A deleted budget will not be viewable anywhere in Shape. You are not able to view a deleted budget's historical performance data.

This process allows you to delete multiple Budgets across different Clients. If you’d rather delete budgets from a single Client at a time, click into a Client and complete the same process above.

Note: Deleting Budgets out of Shape will not delete campaigns in the advertising networks.

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