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Campaign View
Updated over 3 months ago

While the Shape Dashboard can be extremely useful to get a high-level overview of your performance metrics, the platform also allows you to click into your various Clients, Budgets, and Campaigns for granular insight.

These Campaign View helps you analyze current performance, compare and segment key performance indicators over time, and make edits to your campaigns.

What is the Campaign View?

A Campaign View is created for each campaign you add under a Budget and Client in Shape. It is a hub for each campaign where you can monitor current and past performance metrics and add or adjust campaigns as needed.

If you need to edit a campaign, it's possible to do so right from the Campaign View rather than the Dashboard or Client view. Changes you make to the campaign's daily budget or status (for example) will push directly to the advertising platforms.

Performance Summary

You'll find a high-level Performance Summary at the top of the Campaign View. The summary shows the spend your campaign has accumulated thus far in the Budget cycle, the type of budget (one-time or repeating), and the advertising platform the campaign is running on.

Underneath these metrics, you'll see a total of all the campaign performance metrics (such as clicks, impressions, conversions, CPC, and CTR).


Campaign Conditions

The Campaign Conditions graph is designed to visually represent how your campaign's metrics are trending over your current or previous Budget cycles.

The Campaign Conditions graph is interactive and allows you to adjust to compare how various elements of your campaigns are performing over time.

Decision Grid

The Decision Grid displays a breakdown of performance metrics for all ad groups/ad sets, ads, and keywords in table form. The Decision Grid shows you statuses, performance metrics, and enabled automation settings for elements of your campaigns.

This Decision Grid allows you to view how elements below the campaign level (such as ads for example) are performing and determine if you need to optimize. You can view past data cycles using the Archives tool or download the Decision Grid into Excel or CSV to create a report.

The Campaign Decision Grid allows you to toggle between ad groups/ad sets, ads, and keywords tabs for deeper insight into your campaigns.

Custom Values

If you've enabled Custom Values at the Client or Budget level, these are not currently viewable on the Campaign View decision grid.

This is because the Campaign View decision grid breaks down performance at the AdGroup/AdSet, Ad, and/or keyword level in the Decision Grid. Custom Values are not available below Budget or Client level at this time.

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