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One-Way Integrations - Frequently Asked Questions
One-Way Integrations - Frequently Asked Questions
Updated over 4 months ago

What is a one-way ad platform integration?

One-way integrations are integrations with ad platforms that allow Shape to report on ad spend and performance metrics. However, Shape cannot push changes back to the ad platform, such as status changes, daily budget changes, or bid changes.

An example of a current one-way integration is Pinterest Ads. Advertisers can pull Pinterest campaigns into their Shape account and report on Pinterest spend and metrics alongside their other campaigns. Unlike most supported platforms/campaign types, Shape cannot change Pinterest campaign statuses, daily budgets, or bids.

TikTok Ads is also a one-way integration.

What one-way ad platforms do you support?

  • Pinterest Ads

  • TikTok Ads

All other platforms we support have two-way integration capabilities (*note: Shape cannot push status changes to Youtube campaigns at the moment, only daily budget changes).

Can I enable automation on campaigns from one-way integrations?

Because Shape cannot make changes to campaign settings such as campaign status or daily budgets, Automation features that rely on those types of settings changes will not work. AutoPilot and CruiseControl do not work for campaigns belonging to our one-way integrations.

Shape automatically prevents you from enabling AutoPilot and CruiseControl on these campaign types.

Other automation tools, such as SmartSync and our Untracked Campaigns app work (because these automation tools work without directly changing campaign settings).

Finally, Budget Pacer and Budget Booster can be utilized on one-way integration campaigns. Our system will still evaluate pacing and/or max spend opportunity for these types of campaigns. However, changes to the daily budgets and/or statuses of these campaigns will still need to be completed in the individual ad platforms (not on Shape).

What if one-way campaign types are in Budgets with other campaigns that have automation enabled?

This is fine! The important thing to note is that while Shape will not be able to effect changes on the one-way integration campaign types, it will still be able to impact the others.

For example, let's say you manage Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest campaigns in one budget with a target amount of $500. AutoPilot is enabled on all but the Pinterest campaigns (since they are not eligible).

Once the combined spend for all campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) reaches $500, AutoPilot will pause all campaigns in the budget (except Pinterest campaigns).

Similarly, if you were to use CruiseControl in the same scenario, Shape would consider how campaigns from all three platforms were pacing to recommend/make daily campaign adjustments. However, Shape would only make daily budget adjustments to Facebook and Twitter campaigns, since Pinterest campaigns would not be eligible.

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