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Budget Designer [Video]
Updated over 4 months ago

No two PPC accounts or campaigns are the same, nor should they be treated as such. An account could have the following:

  • An overall spend limit for all PPC campaigns that cannot be exceeded

  • Individual spend targets for Google Search, Google Display, Youtube, Microsoft Ads Search, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, and LinkedIn Ads campaigns

  • Several weekly promotions per month

Shape was designed to give PPC teams total control over how they group, monitor, and optimize advertising campaigns from multiple networks in one platform.

Budget Designer helps guide you through creating a new Budget in Shape to your specifications.

What is Budget Designer?

Budget Designer allows you to group campaigns into Budgets (custom campaign groups that share a goal and a target spend).

Shape makes it easy to track how all of your PPC campaigns' costs all track toward one spend goal. Or, campaigns can be split into individual Budgets each with its own unique spend targets.

The Budget Designer is a form that walks you through naming the Budget, entering a target spend, selecting the length of the Budget cycle, enabling automation features, and more. After completing the form, you'll see your new Budget populate in your Shape dashboard.

Check out our full directions on Creating a Budget and/or view the video below.

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